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Showing posts from August, 2017

The journey to trick mastery

I started this blog a couple of years ago. Now, I'm pretty excited that its up and running and that you are reading the words I'm dropping here. Yeah i said dropping :D. Anyways, today I'm gonna talk about trick mastery I've been working on for the past year or so and sharing what I've learned. I've been recording data of how many times i can do a trick if i was asked to do it 5 times. I found really interesting results within the time period specified. Frequency of ollie as days pass. Green dot is a confidence interval seems to be stagnated at 5. Photo credit: Sam On photo Shuyin Ben I'm sure you're asking yourself why the heck I'm doing this?  In the simplest way possible. I'm trying to get good at skateboarding, i don't believe in the 10,000 hour rule. Paying attention and learning from mistakes is way better said in a previous article .  On the other hand,  there has been this thing pro skaters have been saying ...